Monday, December 24, 2007

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Although I havent really gotten any traffic here...anyone who does pass by should check out my new blog at

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Charm to be Read in the Year 2008

Those who have fallen


To the earth,

Will be picked up

And placed back

At the edge

Of decision.

Those who have meandered

Will straighten their paths.

Those who have straightened their paths

Will hone their skills.

Those who have honed their skills

Will move forward

And grace the paths of others who have lost their way

With their light.

Those who have fallen


into bleakness,

Blessings, blessings.

It is there awaiting your sight.

Peace and gentleness to you

to open those eyes seared with pain

and doubt.

Lower your defenses and explanations

It is there

awaiting your silence, your listening

to heartthrobs of the universe.

Blessings and peace be upon you.

Unbeknownst to you,

Grace has brought you this far

And grace will carry you home.

It is up to you

To call out and name your home.

Those who are dormant

but growing.

Your winged smiles

will unfurl

and your beauty will stand forth.

To those I have touched

And have touched me.

copyrighted and all rights reserved by DJ Morris